‘Someone said ‘I only have two minutes to talk’ but it lasted 15 minutes!’ - another successful Proofers Programme draws to an end

Endri at Maltby Street Market where he worked as a Breadwinner

Endri at Maltby Street Market where he worked as a Breadwinner


Meet the brains behind our online bread delivery and wholesale service. Born out of Covid-19, our Proofers Programme trains Breadwinners graduates in further online customer service and IT skills through running our online shop and wholesale services. In this blog, I chat to Endri and Mustafa who have recently completed the programme. We discuss their achievements, what they’ve learnt and the importance of Breadwinners to them. Plus, we hear from Hussam, our Proofers Programme Manager, about how feels seeing his first cohort of young people graduate and what his hopes are for future programmes.

Mustafa’s story

Mustafa was part of Cohort #3 of the Proofers and when it comes to distinguishing a Danish rye sourdough loaf from a German rye sourdough loaf he is a true expert! He joined Breadwinners over a year ago as a Riser and has since completed all three of our programmes. When I asked him how he felt having completed the programme, he replied, ‘I’m relieved!’ And no wonder! He’s shown so much dedication to the Breadwinners community over so many months.

He explained how the programme, ‘really helped me to get more transferable skills,’ such as learning how to use different softwares, drawing customers’ attention and developing his communication skills. Without hesitation he said, ‘I would recommend the programme to everyone’ because ‘the programme enhances our skills and makes us ready for the future and new challenges.’

For Mustafa, the new challenge is studying for his A Levels, with the ultimate aim of becoming a dentist. I asked him how he was finding A Levels and he said they’re ‘so far not challenging, but next year will be tougher!’ It was wonderful to hear the confidence in his voice, confidence that has grown throughout his journey with Breadwinners. I have no doubt that he will become a brilliant dentist who will be able to fix our teeth after we’ve eaten too many cinnamon buns!

Mustafa at Hammersmith Market as a Breadwinner

Mustafa at Hammersmith Market as a Breadwinner

Endri’s story

I also got the chance to speak to Endri, another Proofers graduate. He surprised me by saying he hadn’t even initially wanted to do the programme at all! ‘I thought it would not be as entertaining as going to the market.’ Luckily though, he soon changed his tune and ‘after two weeks it was fantastic to just talk to people.’

For Endri, gathering feedback from customers was the highlight of the job. He told me a funny story of having an unusually long conversation with a customer. ‘Someone said ‘I only have two mins to talk’ but it lasted 15 minutes! They think it’s going to be a boring conversation but when you start talking about things it completely changes.’ He enjoyed the variety of conversations he had with customers, ‘sometimes football, sometimes different topics. I never followed the script! The conversations keep on going and it makes you feel good.’

The most useful thing Endri has learnt from the programme has been self confidence. ‘The first two weeks when I was calling the customers I wasn't sure what questions to ask. But then I just became so much more confident.’ The 15 minute call obviously proves that!

I asked Endri how he felt having finished the programme and he said, ‘I feel proud of myself for doing it because there are things I haven't done before. I feel proud of everyone in the team and for Breadwinners who gives the opportunity to young people like me. I’m very happy to be a part of Breadwinners.’

He expressed gratitude to Hussam, the Proofers Programme Manager who, ‘has been very helpful. He managed the whole programme very well.’ 

Feeling proud: Endri at Graduation with Charlotte, Programmes Manager, Hussam, Proofers Manager and Martin, Director

Feeling proud: Endri at Graduation with Charlotte, Programmes Manager, Hussam, Proofers Manager and Martin, Director